Building Effective Websites using Microsoft MVC Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 5 Gün
  • Seviye: Intermediate
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The course takes existing .NET developers and provides them with the necessary skills to develop modern MVC-5 web-based applications, using Visual Studio 2017 and the ASP.NET Framework 4.7.1. This course prepares delegates for the MVC part of Exam 70-486.

  • Delegates should have basic knowledge of HTML and web page creation using JavaScript and CSS. These skills can be obtained by attending Building an Effective Web Site course
  • Delegates should have existing knowledge of at least C#4 (ie LINQ/Lambdas) and have worked with the .NET Framework for 3 months minimum. (VB.NET delegates should be comfortable reading C#).
  • Delegates without these skills would benefit from attending the C# programming language course.
  • Delegates are not required to have any experience in ASP.NET WebForms development.

Please note: Before attending this class delegates must have a Microsoft account (signing up one is free).

Module 1: Web Basics

This is a 'refresh' chapter for those not confident with web terminology.

It is brief and only intended as a refresh - not a 'learn from cold'.

There is no lab.

Module 2: MVC5 Overview

In this module, delegates learn about the separation of concerns, working with Models, Controllers and Views to understand how a MVC application is structured and how the different parts interact with the routing engine to resolve a client request.


  • The MVC Pattern
  • Models, Views, and Controllers ASP.NET MVC Conventions MVC5 Project structure
  • Visual Studio 2017 support
  • Nuget


  • Creating an ASP.NET MVC 5 project using Visual Studio 2017

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Have gained a high-level overview of how to build an MVC-5 application

Module 3: Entity Framework

Because Entity Framework is such an important part of most MVC applications, we cover the topic before exploring models.


  • The main features of Entity Framework
  • CodeFirst / CodeFirst from Database
  • Lazy / Eager / Explicit loading
  • Linq To Entities
  • Initialization and Migration
  • Using Stored Procs


  • CodeFirst and loading options
  • (Optional) Initialization and Migration

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Know the different strategies available in Entity Framework
  • Know how and when to use Initialization and Migration

Module 4: Data Storage Pattern

Delegates will work with the Entity Framework to build the models for an MVC-5 application. They will learn how to encapsulate data access logic using the Repository/UnitOfWork pattern.


  • Modelling Data
  • Querying data using LINQ
  • Using a Repository


  • Creating Models using the Entity Framework and the Repository/UnitOfWork pattern.

After completing this module delegates will be familiar with Entity Framework and the Repository pattern.

Module 5: Controllers and Actions

Delegates learn how to structure and build controllers for key entities by learning how to write actions that return views for different scenarios. The usage of the Http Get and Post verbs in building forms is discussed.


  • What is a controller? Action and parameters
  • Returning Results from Actions Passing data to views Asynchronous Actions Processing HTTP Forms


  • Building controller classes

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Understand the role of the controller
  • Be able to write Actions to process requests

Module 6: Creating Views

Delegates create views and partial views using the Razor engine. They will learn how to render client side mark-up, based on what the Controller's request and the Model sends. Delegates learn how to create master layout pages to enforce a consistent layout and style across a website, plus how to implement forms for the websites 'Create', 'Update' and 'Delete' pages.


  • Using views and partial views Razor
  • Layout pages Using data in views
  • Strongly Typed Views
  • The HTML Helper methods


  • Implementing views and partial views

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Be able to use the Razor engine to render views and partial views.
  • Create master layout pages for a consistent look and feel.
  • Use Helper methods to generate client side mark-up.
  • Know how to access model data from within Views

Module 7: Bootstrap

In this module delegates work with Bootstrap. They will use the various Bootstrap styles to customise the look and feel of a website. Become familiar with the Bootstraps grid system to control the layout of content and how bootstrap provides a responsive design.


  • Bootstrap getting started
  • Bundling and Minification
  • Bootstraps responsive design
  • Bootstrap components


  • Styling webpages with Bootstrap

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Know how to use the Bootstrap UI Framework
  • Be able to create mobile-first responsive web pages

Module 8: Model Binding

Delegates will learn what Model Binding is and how the MVC framework leverages this.


  • Model Binding


  • The model binding lab is included in the following chapter

Module 9: Validation

Delegates will learn to use data annotation attributes to provide validation for the model data. They use html helpers to provide validation assistance within views.


  • Data Annotations and Validation Attributes Preventing JavaScript Injection attacks


  • Model Validation

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Understand the Model Binding process.
  • Be able to use Data Annotations and Validation attributes within model classes

Module 10: Error Handling

Delegates will learn how to protect a MVC application from script injection attacks, and how to implement custom exception handling within the application.


  • Error handling
  • Exception bubbling
  • The default error page
  • Error filters


  • Error handling

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Provide custom error handling for a MVC application.

Module 11: Action filters

Delegates will use Action Filters to control the behaviour of an application. They will first use the built-in filters, then learn to create custom Action Filters. Delegates will also make use of global Action Filters, applying them both statically and dynamically.


  • What are Action Filters? Types of Action Filter Using Action Filters
  • Creating Custom Action Filters Adding global filters


  • Using Action Filters

After completing this module delegates will: Know the different types of filters available Be able to use a built-in Action Filters Create a custom Action Filter

Module 12: Routing

Delegates learn how to create routes that map URLs to controller actions using both convention-base routing and attribute-based routing. They will implement routing constraints to ensure that routes contain the expected data. Also included is how to unit test routes.


  • What are routes? Defining and using routes
  • Convention-based Routing Attribute-based Routing


  • Configuring and de-bugging routes

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Understand the purpose of routes.
  • Know how to add literals and constraints to routes.
  • Know the benefit of Areas.

Module 13: Web API 2

Delegates learn when and how to create a restful service using Web API 2. They will learn to use Fiddler2 to help test and debug Web APIs during development and how to call a Web API from multiple clients.


  • WCF v. Web API2
  • The HTTP Protocol Content negotiation Web API2 Controllers Routing
  • Error handling


  • Creating and calling Web API Services

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Understand the Web API framework
  • Learn about the HTTP requests and responses
  • Know how to create a Web API
  • Be able to consume a Web API from a variety of devices

Module 14: State

Delegates learn about the various ways of maintaining state within a web server, how different state options affect the scalability of an application, and how to use page output caching and application caching service providers to improve application performance.


  • State management
  • Maintaining state between requests Maintaining state across all requests Maintaining state between user sessions


  • Managing and maintaining state

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Understand the various techniques for state management.

Module 15: Unit Testing MVC 5 Applications

This module teaches delegates to use Visual Studio Unit Testing capabilities to carry out Test Driven Development (TDD) within an application, including the use of Mocks and Stubs. They will implement Dependency Injection and appreciate how to create a mock HttpContext for use when testing MVC 5 projects.


  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Writing tests in Visual Studio
  • Dependency Injection
  • Mocking the HttpContext


  • Implement Test Driven Development
  • Use Dependency Injection in web applications

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Understand the principles of Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Know how to implement Unit Tests using Visual Studio
  • Use Dependency Injection to support mocking frameworks

Module 16: Caching

Performance is often an issue with any web site. In this module delegates use the output and data caching features of the product to improve performance


  • Output caching
  • Data caching


  • Output and Data caching

Module 17: AJAX

Delegates will learn how to use the provided AJAX helpers and partial views to do client-side partial updates.


  • What is AJAX
  • AJAX Frameworks ASP.NET AJAX jQuery
  • Visual Studio support


  • Enhancing an MVC application with AJAX After completing this module delegates will:
  • Understand the need for AJAX
  • Know how to implement jQuery in an MVC application

Module 18: Security

Module 15 examines the ASP.NET Identity infrastructure that is added automatically when creating new MVC projects.

Delegates will see the security options available and also how to configure, integrate and extend ASP.NET Identity.


  • ASP.NET Identity Authorization
  • Individual User Accounts
  • Organizational Accounts


  • A number of labs are provided (most of them optional) so delegates can become familiar with the available options.

After completing this module the delegates will:

  • Have an understanding of the security infrastructure provided in MVC

Module 19: Deploying

The delegates learn about the different deployment options available. They learn how to create deployment packages to deploy MVC applications into IIS and Azure, and how to use configuration transforms to modify web.config during deployment.


  • Deployment Options
  • Working with Packages Configuring Deployment Options Applying Transforms
  • Deploying Web Applications to Azure


1) Change to the Entity Framework migration strategy

2) Deploy to IIS

3) Deploy to Azure (for those with an Azure account)

After completing this module delegates will:

  • Know how to deploy ASP.NET MVC 5 applications to hosting servers and Microsoft's Azure
  • How to create and configure deployment profiles

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