Neler Öğreneceksiniz
Your Leadership Journey
- Exploring your leadership challenges and core leadership beliefs
- Differentiating between management and leadership
- Identifying and practicing leadership requirements for the 21st century
Developing Strategic Leadership and Passionate Purpose
- Understanding the “big picture” of organizational strategy
- Planning and prioritizing to secure time for strategy implementation
- Guiding success by crafting your power vision statement
- Practicing communicating your strategy to empower others
Leveraging Your Professional and Executive Effectiveness
- Mastering techniques of self-management and personal productivity
- Enhancing your emotional intelligence to set yourself apart as a high-performing executive
- Developing the skills to manage your emotions as you foster relationships
- Recognizing the emotions of others and responding to their emotional needs
Developing the Talents of Others
- Becoming intentional in supporting others to become self-reliant problem solvers
- Assessing the ability and willingness of individuals and teams to accomplish tasks and goals
- Coaching and inspiring your people to higher levels of performance
Aligning Organizational Culture with Strategy
- Shaping your organizational culture as a strategic leadership practice
- Creating intrinsic rewards that drive engagement and satisfaction
- Aligning your core authentic personal values with the values of your organization
- Addressing the challenges of ethics and ethical decision making
- Fostering mutual trust and respect throughout your sphere of influence
Learning the Art and Science of Inspirational Leadership
- Creating an environment that thrives on idea sharing and collaboration
- Assessing how your current practices and leadership style motivate and demotivate others
- Customizing reward and recognition (onsite and virtually) for your people to increase commitment, pride and camaraderie
Creating Your Executive Leadership Development
- Identifying, prioritizing and creating a roadmap to implement the skills, tools and actions learned
- Leveraging your strengths to further develop yourself as a high-performing executive
Pre-work: Skill Assessment and Strategic Leadership Type Indicator. It is essential that you complete the pre-work and bring your results to class.
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Learning Objectives
- Identify and Begin to Address Your Leadership Challenges
- Analyze the Results of Your Self-Assessment Strengths and Development Needs
- Relate the Components of Strategic Leadership to Your Organization
- Assess Your Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Your Leadership potential
- Understand and Apply the Concepts of Strategic Leadership
- Coach Employees Toward Improved Performance
- Discover Your Personal Values and Ethics and Their Influence on Your Leadership
- Identify and Apply Practices That Influence Motivation and Engagement
- Assess the Culture of Your Organization.
- Apply Techniques of Inspirational Leaders
- Create a Personal Development Plan to Bolster Your Executive Performance
My Leadership Journey
- Identify Your Most Important Leadership Challenges and Gain Insights on How to Address Those Challenges
- Describe the AMA’s Total Professional Model and Leader Level Competencies
- Identify Your Strengths and Development Needs Based on AMA’s Leader Level Competencies
- Evaluate the Relationships Between Your Leadership Challenges and Your Assessment Results
Strategic Leadership, Part 1
- Describe Leadership and Management Behaviors
- Define the Elements of Strategic Leadership and a Strategic Plan
- Specify Your Mission, Vision, and Values
- Apply Strategies of Goal Setting to Set Goals That Can be Accomplished
- Explain the Significance of Prioritization
Strategic Leadership, Part 2
Professional Effectiveness
- Define Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) and its Importance
- Identify Your E.I. Strengths and Development Needs
- Apply Techniques/Practices to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
- Explain Your Strategy for Professional Effectiveness and Demonstrate it By Practicing Positive Communication and Presence Skills
- Describe How to Align the Culture of Your Team with Your Strategy
Developing the Talent of Others, Part 1
- Identify the Relationships Between Work Environment and Individual Factors of Performance
- Compare the Relationships Between Strategy and Individual Performance
Developing the Talent of Others, Part 2
- Identify the Relationships Between Work Environment and Individual Factors of Performance
- Compare the Relationships Between Strategy and Individual Performance
- Apply Strategic Leadership Skills to Develop Team Members
- Practice a Coaching Process to Support Self-Reliant Problem-Solving
Aligning Organizational Culture and Engagement with Strategy, Part 1
- Explain the Importance of Shaping Organizational Culture
- Analyze the Culture of Your Organization or Team
- Examine the Alignment of Your Personal Values with the Values of Your Organization
- Identify the Types of Organizational Cultures and Their Influence on Members
Aligning Organizational Culture and Engagement with Strategy, Part 2
- Describe the Importance of Leading an Ethical Organizational Culture
- Select Practices to Create and Maintain Trust with Your Team Members
The Art and Science of Inspirational Leadership
- Describe the Relationship Between Leadership and Employee Engagement
- Create and Share a Personal Crest That Describes Your Authentic Leadership Attributes
- Identify Actions That Create a More Motivating Workplace
- Differentiate Between Recognition and Reward Practices Based on the Personal Preferences of Others
Leadership Development Plans
- Prepare and Plan for Your Continued Leadership Development
- Complete and Receive Feedback on Your Leadership Development Plan
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