The Linux Command Line

Some of the key topics you'll learn about after reading this book:

The basics of using the Linux CLI: The book starts by introducing the basics of the Linux command line interface, including navigating the file system, working with files and directories, and using basic commands.

Advanced command line techniques: The book also covers more advanced command line techniques, including using regular expressions, working with streams and pipes, and using command line editors.

Customizing your environment: The book explains how to customize your command line environment, including setting up aliases and functions, and creating your own shell scripts.

Working with users and permissions: The book covers how to manage users and permissions on a Linux system, including creating and deleting user accounts, setting file permissions, and using groups.

Networking and system administration: The book also covers topics related to networking and system administration, such as managing network interfaces, using SSH, and configuring system services.

"The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction" provides a comprehensive introduction to using the Linux command line interface, from basic to advanced techniques. It's a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about working with Linux from the command line.

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